Illini Legal Services
C. David Ward - Attorney at Law

Experienced & Affordable Debt Relief
We Fight For You to Preserve Your Financial Freedom!
Because we concentrate only in bankruptcy law, we are able to charge volume discounted fees to our clients. We provide TOP QUALITY legal services CHEAPER than the competition!
$1,250.00 Legal Fees - Plus Costs
When you need a bankruptcy attorney, you can count on our
over 40 years of legal experience to help guide you.
Bad Things Can Happen To Good People.
Do NOT be ashamed to get help - (630) 585-3164
Make An Appointment (630) 585-3164
Illini Legal Services
C. David Ward - Attorney at Law
610 N. Broadway
Aurora, IL 60505
Contact Us for a Free In Person Consultation
Are you facing overwhelming debt? Have you received a notice of foreclosure or repossession? Is your small business in jeopardy? Illini Legal Services is here to help.
We will fight to help you preserve your financial freedom. We will explain the options that are available to you and help you choose the right path toward debt relief. To discuss your debt issues in a free in person consultation - contact our office.
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